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English Language Learners (ELL) Program
The César Chávez Academy District maintains a comprehensive and highly effective ELL education program.
Goals of the Program
To move 10% of the students annually to Formally Limited English Proficient (FLEP).
To educate Limited English proficient students to the same rigorous standards as all students in the school district.
To teach the English language, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
To provide students with an opportunity to progress academically with their peer group by using tutor assistance in their first language.
To foster positive attitudes toward school and positive self-concepts.
To assist students in understanding and functioning within American society.
To promote pride in the students' cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
To involve families and community leaders in the educational process in order to make education a cooperative effort between home and school
CCA District ELL Plan and 2011 Spring English Language Proficiency Assessment (WIDA)
Our district has designed a plan for the delivery of services that support English Language Learners (ELLs) in their acquisition of the English language. Every school year we use the WIDA to measure the success of these services. This assessment indicates the students’ level of proficiency in English in the areas of listening, reading, writing and speaking.
The Spring WIDA window begins in February-March, student assessments will begin to determine Language Proficiency.
Plan de Acción de CCA para los estudiantes que hablan Inglés como su Segundo Idioma e Información Sobre el Examen de proficiencia en el Idioma Inglés (WIDA)
Nuestro distrito a designado un plan de acción para enseñar y garantizar que nuestros estudiantes que están aprendiendo Inglés como su segundo idioma aprendan Inglés. Cada año escolar durante la primavera utilizamos el examen WIDA. Este es un examen que evalúa el desarrollo en el aprendizaje del idioma Inglés en las siguientes áreas: lectura y comprensión, escritura y también como escucha y habla el idioma Inglés.
El examen comenzará a administrarse la segunda semana de Febrero-Marzo.
Testing Tips Before the Test:
Ensure that your son/daughter get a good night sleep
Ensure that your son/daughter have a good healthy breakfast
Ensure that your son/daughter come to school on time
Concejos para antes del examen
Asegúrese que su hijo/hija duerma lo necesario
Asegúrese que su hijo/hija tenga un desayuno saludable
Asegúrese que su hijo/hija llegue a la escuela a tiempo
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